Chile and Guatemala, Governed by the Left, Denounce the ‘Electoral Fraud’ in Venezuela


The Cuban Foreign Minister insists on “the victory of the Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution and the re-election of Maduro”

Gabriel Boric, president of Chile, accused chavismo of being “a dictatorship that falsifies elections” / EFE

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), Caracas, 23 August 2024 — The governments of Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Guatemala described as “fraud” the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela, which attributed the election victory to Nicolás Maduro, while the leaders of Colombia, Brazil and Mexico, who tried to mediate in the post-election crisis, have not yet pronounced themselves.

The sentence of the Supreme Court, with which the review of the elections concludes in an “unambiguous and unrestricted” way, comes 22 days after Maduro himself requested this process, through an amparo appeal that was never known and for which the ten former presidential candidates were summoned to the Supreme Court.

“The verdict consolidates the fraud,” said the Chilean president, Gabriel Boric, on social networks. “The Maduro regime obviously enthusiastically welcomes this verdict that will be marked by infamy. There is no doubt that we are facing a dictatorship that falsifies elections, represses people who think differently and doesn’t care about the largest exile in the world, only comparable to that of Syria as a result of a war.”

Luis Lacalle Pou said that “Maduro’s regime confirms what the international community has been denouncing: fraud

In the same vein, the head of state of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, said that “the Maduro regime confirms what the international community has been denouncing: fraud. It’s a dictatorship that closes all doors to an institutional and democratic life of its people.”

The president of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, also considered the decision of the Supreme Court “unacceptable,” without an “exhaustive and independent” review of the votes. He “deeply regretted the decision of the Government of Venezuela to advance in the ratification of electoral results that do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people.”

Bernardo Arévalo de León, for his part, insisted that Guatemala does not accept the electoral “fraud” perpetrated by Nicolás Maduro’s regime. “The crisis in Venezuela is indisputable, and we have already said that the recent elections only demonstrate that the Maduro regime is not democratic, and we do not recognize his fraud,” said the presiden

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