Ortega Eliminates 151 More Associations in Nicaragua


This is the third crackdown of the week on NGOs and associations. The latest 151 organizations eliminated belonged to the business sector.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – The Ministry of the Interior delivered the third crackdown of the week against civil organizations in Nicaragua by canceling, through a decree, 151 associations, federations, and business chambers, accusing them of “not reporting” their financial statements for periods ranging from one to 31 years.

All the organizations that were eliminated belonged to the business sector, including the American Chamber of Commerce of Nicaragua (AMCHAM) and the Federation of European Chambers and Industries of Nicaragua (EUROCAM).

Additionally, there are several Nicaraguan chambers of commerce with other countries, including Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, Italy, Uruguay, Mexico, Panama. The list also eliminates dozens of local chambers and associations in various departments and the Autonomous Regions of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast.

Other notable chambers and associations that were canceled include: the Federation of Nicaraguan Chambers of Private Free Trade Zones, the Dairy Industry Development Fund (FONDILAC), and the Nicaraguan Chamber of the Dairy Sector (CANISLAC). Also: the Nicaraguan Specialty Coffee Association (ACEN), the Civil Association Nicaraguan Chamber of Broadcasting (CANIRA), the National Chamber of Small and Medium Industry and Crafts (CONAPI), the Nicaraguan Chamber of Beef Export Plants (CANICARNE), and the National Union of Farmers and Ranchers (UNAG).

The mass cancellation was announced through its publication in the Official Gazette “La Gaceta” on August 22, 2024.

The cancellation of these 151 organizations comes three days after the regime, in an unprecedented move, eliminated 1500 religious and trade organizations and two days after the National Assembly, controlled by the ruling party, reformed the laws regulating NGOs in Nicaragua.

With the elimination of these 151 organizations, the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has reached a total of 5,383 NGOs canceled since the end of 2018, including 164 by “voluntary dissolution,” according to a data record from CONFIDENCIAL.

This is the list of the 151 chambers and associations eliminated today:

  1. Asociación Civil Cámara de Industria y Comercio Nicaragüense Alemana
  2. Cámara de Industria y Comercio Nicaragüense-Costarricense (CADICONIC)
  3. Cámara Di Industria e Comercio Italo Nicaragüense
  4. Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio de Nicaragua
  5. Cámara de Comercio Americana de Nicaragua (AMCHAM)
  6. Federación Cámara Nicaragüense de Zonas Francas Privadas
  7. Federación Centroamericana de Cámaras, Asociaciones de Restaurantes Afines (FEDECAREST)
  8. Cámara de Comercio, Agricultura e Industrias de Granada
  9. Asociación Cámara de Comercio, Agricultura e Industrias del Departamento de Chontales
  10. Cámara Nicaragüense de Corredurías de Seguros (CNCS)
  11. Asociación Cámara Nicaragüense de la Salud (CANSALUD)
  12. Asociación de Ferreteros de Nicaragua (AFENIC)
  13. Cámara de Comercializadores de Aceite Comestible Vegetal (COMAVE)
  14. Cámara de Cerveceros Artesanales de Nicaragua (CCAN)
  15. Cámara de Operadores Turísticos de Nicaragua (CATOURNIC)
  16. Cámara de Transporte Terrestre Turístico de Pasajeros (CATTTPA)
  17. Asociación de Productores Privados de la Caña de Azúcar de Occidente (APRICO). 
  18. Cámara Departamental de Técnicos y Profesionales Forestales de Nueva Segovia (CATPROFOSE).
  19. Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de la Región Autónoma del Caribe Sur (RACS).
  20. Cámara Forestal de Industriales, Comercializadores y Exportadores del Departamento de Managua (CAFIMA)
  21. Cámara de Consultores Empresariales (CCE).
  22. Asociación de Ganaderos de Granada (ASOGRAN)
  23. Cámara de Ganaderos de Tipitapa (CAMAGATIP)
  24. Cámara de Empresas de Gestión Tercerizada de Servicios (GONIC)
  25. Fondo de Desarrollo de la Industria Láctea (FONDILAC)
  26. Cámara Nicaragüense del Sector Lácteo (CANISLAC)
  27. Asociación Nicaragüense de Agentes Navieros
  28. Cámara de Productores y Exportadores Agroindustriales (CAPEXA)
  29. Cámara de Contratistas de Managua (CCM).
  30. Cámara de Empresas de Comunicación para Mercadeo
  31. Cámara Nicaragüense de Bartenders (CNB)
  32. Asociación Nacional de Reforestadores
  33. Federación de Cámara y Asociaciones de Productores Privados Centroamericanos de Caña de Azúcar

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