González Urrutia Demands That Maduro ‘Take the Step Now’ To Begin the Transition in Venezuela


Closed off in the Miraflores Palace, Maduro continues his campaign of discrediting the opposition and those who recognize its triumph

Maduro denounced an “increase in the cyber war against the country through bots” that he attributes to Argentina / EFE

14ymedio biggerEFE/14ymedio, Caracas, 20 August 2024 — The Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia called on Nicolás Maduro on Monday to “take the step now” to begin “a peaceful transition,” through a political dialogue with the Democratic United Platform. The politician assured that citizens remain “firm” in their demand that “the decision” expressed in the July 28 elections be recognized.

In his opinion, every day that the authorities “hinder the democratic transition, Venezuelans suffer a country in crisis and without freedom,” and “clinging to power only exacerbates the suffering” of citizens. “The people are tired of so much abuse and corruption,” he said, and accused Maduro of being “responsible for so much poverty and pain.”

“It is our hour, the hour of millions of Venezuelans who want to give the best of our lives for the reconstruction of our homeland. All of Venezuela demands that we make the necessary efforts to ensure that popular sovereignty is respected. That’s why I am asking for a political dialogue to begin the definitive democratic transformation of our nation,” he added.

“It is our hour, the hour of millions of Venezuelans who want to give the best of our lives for the reconstruction of our homeland

Closed off in Miraflores, Maduro continues his campaign of discrediting the opposition and those who recognize its triumph. This Monday he attacked Argentine President Javier Milei – his nemesis in the international arena – whom he accused of spending more than 100 million dollars of Argentina’s budget on alleged bot attacks against chavista institutions.

Maduro denounced an “increase in cyber war against the country through bots” from Argentina, whose president has called the result of the National Electoral Council a “fr

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