“I Deserted From the Cuban Team Because I Was Looking for a Better Future for Me and My Family”


The triple jumper Jordan Díaz, gold medalist at the Paris Olympic Games, says he is happy to be “part of the history of Spain”

Díaz poses next to his prize at his uncle’s restaurant in Zaragoza / EFE

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), Zaragoza, 19 August 2024 — The Olympic champion in triple jump, Jordan Díaz, who defected from the Cuban national team in 2021 to seek a “better future” for himself and his family, said that this decision and his subsequent result at the Olympic Games in Paris is proof that “every sacrifice done well has its reward.”

The gold-medal winner stopped in Zaragoza to visit his uncle, a well-known hotelier whose restaurant employees paid tribute to Díaz. Díaz shared in an interview with EFE that he is “very excited” for what he has accomplished and for “being able to be part of the history of Spain,” a course that was set when he decided to stay in that country.

Despite not being able to see his family since 2021, Díaz is aware that “life is short and you have to make the most of everything.” He chose to continue with his fight to be World Champion, to achieve the triple jump crown and to repeat it at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028.

’I was looking for a better future for my family and for me; that’s why I deserted the Cuban team,’ said the athlete

EFE: How do you feel after having been able to taste, a bit more, the triumph at the Olympic Games in Paris?

Díaz: I’m quite happy with the whole result, to be honest. Not only with Paris, which, of course, is a dream. I am also very excited about the season I have finished, because I wasn’t able to compete much due to pain and injuries. I won the European championship in Rome with 18.18 meters, which is the third best score in history. Right now I’m on vacation. I needed to rest both mentally and physically, and I wanted to visit my family.

EFE: How long were the seconds from when you jumped until you landed?

Díaz: Wow… It’s so difficult! You’re just thinking about the technique and how you’re going to fall. You don’t think about anything else, neither sports nor emotions. You’re focused, and although you know that a medal can change your life completely, you don’t think about it much. I’m very happy with the season I’ve done, although I haven’t been able to compete much due to injuries.

EFE: The moment you

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