Fleeing Venezuela Before the Elections


By Caridad

HAVANA TIMES – My third day in Pacaraima begins at two in the morning. It’s cold, as expected, but I am prepared. In the tent, there is already a small group of people marking their spot; some have spent the whole night there, while others arrived earlier in the morning. The floor of the tent is filled with small stones to prevent the ground from flooding when it rains.

In the long hours that remain until the Brazilian officials start attending to us at eight in the morning, I talk with some of the people near me. The main concern, beyond being able to enter the Casa Azul today, is the situation in Venezuela. The upcoming elections have caused an increase in the number of people at the border.

Edesio, a tall man who must be around forty years old, doesn’t believe that Maduro will win, he says it’s more than obvious. But he is also certain that Maduro will not acknowledge his defeat. He has known he’s defeated for a long time because, according to Edesio, behind the supposed transfer of convicts from Tocoron Prison a few months ago, there is a plan: to release some of them, arm them, and prepare them for election day and the days afterward, so they can sow fear and kill anyone who opposes the government.

Of course, I cannot confirm what he tells me, although I know this is not a new practice. Social media is flooded with videos of convicts, lined up in military formation, swearing to defend the country and Nicolas Maduro, patriotic criminals, so to speak.

It’s also true that the so-called “colectivos” have seen a decrease in their numbers and their support for the government. So it makes sense that the dictatorship would turn to its favorite resource: criminals. I t

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