Cuba Has Imported Less Chicken From the United States This Year, but Paid More For It


The Island bought 127,000 tons of chicken in the first half of 2024 for a value of 150.9 million dollars

Chicken is one of the main sources of protein for Cubans / 14ymedio

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2024 — The export of chicken from the United States to Cuba in the first half of this year reached 127,000 tons, 8.6% less than what the Island bought in the same period of 2023 (139,000 tons). However, due to the increase in its price, spending increased by 7% in the same period: from 141 million dollars in 2023 to 150.9 million this year.

In summary, the Island is receiving much less chicken than in the first half of 2023, but the cost is greater. A kilo of poultry meat, which this month is at $1.23, fell by almost 9% compared to May, when it cost 1.34.

As for the monthly data, this June, Cuba bought 20,000 tons of chicken, which represents a decrease of 25.9% compared to June 2023, though an increase of 15% compared to last May.

However, if the data for this June are equated with those of January of this year, when the Island imported more than 30,000 tons of chicken – the highest figure this semester – the amount of meat for the sixth month of the year drops by a scandalous 30%.

This June, Cuba bought about 20,000 tons of chicken, which represents a 25.9% drop compared to June 2023 / USDA

According to the Cuban economist Pedro Monreal, these numbers are nothing more than a clear representation of “the usual oscillating trajectory of monthly exports of chicken meat from the United States to Cuba,” he explained on the social network X.

The professor also noted that chicken imported from the United States is “the most consumed source of animal protein in Cuba and compensates for the acute national agricultural crisis.”

Chicken is one of the six “essenti

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