In Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, the Order To Combat ‘MSMEs’ Has Been Given


Authorities investigate state-owned companies that pay “millions” to the private sector

The Achilles heel of the measure is that there is no way to avoid an under-the-table agreement between the heads of state companies and the owners of the ’SMSEs’ / Comercio Sancti Spíritus/Facebook

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2024 — The leaders of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, aspire to become the elite squad in the government’s crusade against MSMEs. President Miguel Díaz-Canel had asked, during a session in Parliament last month, to liquidate the “excessive payments from the state sector to the non-state sector,” a statement that was endorsed by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, who accused the private sector of tax evasion and announced that measures would be taken.

The Sancti Spiritus branch of the Ministry of Finance and Prices echoes the “combat order” that the president issued at the time: “We know that there are leaders who, without having gone through the collegiate management mechanisms, have made the decision to establish contracts without looking at the prices that are being proposed to solve a problem, taking money from the budget and spending it excessively.”

With the 2024 ministerial resolution 209 in hand, the leaders warn that they will put a “stop” to the excessive payments that the Government has “detected.” These are nebulous “economic relations” between both sectors, whose accounts are not clear. “Today any state company or any budgeted unit hires a service or acquires a product from a non-state management form and pays million-dollar figures, so to speak, without pain to the disbursement of its state entity,” Miskel Acosta Paredes, director of Finance and Prices in Sancti Spíritus stated in an interview with Escambray, the local newspaper.

With 2024 ministerial resolution 209 in hand, leaders warn that they will put a stop to excessive payments

Acosta predicts radical control for “the economic contracting process with non-state forms of management for the acquisition of goods and services.” The confusion over “prices and rates” is over, he claims. With the new regulations, the profits that

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