Concern in Venezuela About Plots to Annul the Elections


With the support of some left-wing governments, Chavismo is looking for alternatives to preserve power

Rescheduling the elections would give Chavismo time to calm the demonstrations in the country / EFE

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, August 5, 2024 — Cornered by international discredit and the civic advance of the opposition, the next move of Chavismo to guarantee its survival is the subject of dozens of theories, opinions and rumors. The approach to the possible annulment of the electoral results by the regime is – in the words of the former president of Colombia, Iván Duque – one of the most widespread and “dangerous” hypotheses.

“There is talk that the Supreme Court of Venezuela is considering the possibility of declaring the elections null and void, given that the data could have been corrupted due to the ’cyber attack’ that Maduro uses as a smokescreen,” the Colombian politician said on Monday on X. The alleged hacking of the database of the National Electoral Committee (CNE), he said, could be a pretext for Maduro to seek an advantage.

The theory is not only “possible” but also “strategic” for the regime of Nicolás Maduro, says Duque, who describes step by step the possible development of this plan to stay in power.

First, the Supreme Court would set the scene by asking the CNE for evidence of the cyber attack, and it would get the evidence by paying companies specializing in digital security, the former president theorizes. “Money buys almost everything,” so “getting a forensic technical report on cybersecurity from a company like this would not be difficult for them.”

First, the Supreme Court would set the scene by asking the CNE for evidence of the cyber attack

With the evidence in hand, the Court could declare the voting records corrupt and “disavow” Maduro as president, creating at the same time an alibi for the CNE authorities, who declared the dictator president-elect by relying on manipulated and false information.

This will allow Maduro to come out of his corne

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