We Are All Venezuela


The electoral scam of Maduro and his supporters is now bathed in the blood of citizens who demanded their rights and with the imprisonment of many others

Thousands of Venezuelans protested on August 3, 2024 against the results of the presidential elections provided by the CNE, which proclaimed President Nicolás Maduro the winner and president-elect

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 4 August 2024 — The Venezuelan opposition leadership, particularly María Corina Machado and Edmundo González, accepted the challenge of the autocracy to participate in the presidential elections without a minimum of guarantees. They were aware that the electoral authorities were loyal to the regime and that they would hinder the management of the campaign. In honor of both opposition leaders, popular support was massive, unprecedented in the country, despite the collective certainty that the rulers have always been cheaters, as they demonstrated once again on July 28.

Both leaders faced the frustration of large sectors of the population with some opposition leaders of the past. According to experts, several of them made serious mistakes of their own free will, and others simply made wrong decisions. Opposition is not easy, a condition that worsens dramatically when fighting a ‘regime of force’ that counts among its best tools an absolute lack of scruples.

They breathed into their supporters the lost confidence and the certainty that triumph was possible, although they fought against thieves and murderers

Machado and González prevailed over the disappointments with rigor, talent and devotion. They showed an admirable personal courage because they voluntarily became targets of any minions of the government and its fans. They breathed into their supporters the lost confidence and the certainty that triumph was possible, even as they fought against thieves and murderers.

The opposition carried out a totall

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