Like Every Year in Cuba, the Circus Begins to Get School Uniforms


Due to lack of fabric, there will only be enough for four grades and if the parent has the patience to endure hours of waiting in line

By fifth grade they plan to end up distributing two sets of clothes / Escambray

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodriguez, Havana, 5 August 2024 — The sale of school uniforms, which officially began on August 1, is already a display of long lines and complaints. As the official press warned, uniforms are only offered to the “initial grades,” that is, those in which students change cycles: preschool, fifth, seventh and tenth grade, as well as the first year of Technical-Professional and Pedagogical Education.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade warned that the garments for the remaining grades will depend on the “arrival of fabric imported by the industry.” Monica, a young woman from Luyanó, in Havana, the mother of three girls, one in preschool, another 12 and the oldest age 13, confirmed this Monday the disorder and shortages that govern the process.

“Of the smaller sizes, which are the ones that sell the most, there is no size 4, there are only 6 and 8,” said Monica, who got up early to be able to wait in the long line. “They don’t even say if there is a lot or a little or what.” Of her other two daughters, only the middle one, who is going into seventh grade, is required to wear a uniform.

The process, explains this mother, referring to the packages of basic products sold in the stores, is “like the [food] combo”: with their identity card, customers sign up on a list, which they then call to go to the store.

Uniforms ready for sale in the Luyanó neighborhood in Havana / 14ymedio

None of this is specified by the official media, which report that the Ministry of Domestic Trade “acknowledged delays in the production of vouchers, so sales w

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