The Price of Vehicles Imported Into Cuba by Individuals Is Lowered but the Tariffs Will Be in Foreign Currency


According to the Minister of Transport, the proceeds will go to a fund to recover public transport and infrastructure

Vehicles like these, shown by Maravana, leave for Cuba from Miami, upon payment of the tariffs required by the company and Customs. (Maravana Cargo)

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14ymedio, Madrid, 30 July 2024 — Cubans will be able to import vehicles from abroad at the same price as companies, although they will have to pay the tariffs in foreign currency. The measure is expected to take effect in November, as announced on Monday by the Minister of Transport, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, who advanced on Canal Caribe and the social networks of his department the general lines of the “update” of the rules, which are being carried out. Until now, individuals paid more than businesses, but when the reform enters into force the sales prices will be adjusted, said the official, “so they will not vary if the buyer is a legal or natural person”; therefore, “the prices will be lower than the current ones.”

This is intended, he said, to facilitate “people’s access, with the capacity to do so, to different alternatives to meet their mobility needs from their own resources.”

This is intended, he said, to facilitate “people’s access, with the ability to do so, to different alternatives to meet their mobility needs from their own resources”

With the money raised, Rodríguez Dávila said, a fund will be created, managed by the Ministry of Transport, which will be nourished by the tariffs and will be “destined for the recovery and development of public transport and its infrastructure.”

Among the novelties is the authorization to import mopeds and motorcycles that have a combustion engine or are hybrid as long as they are of low cylinder capacity, which opens the possibility of acquiring these vehicles, which until now had to be electric (the so-called motorinas). With this energy source, the options are extended to electric tricycles with more than two seats or with charging capacity, which can also be imported.

A special tax on the sale of vehicles is established that will depend on their type, ranging from 35% of total value for high-end ones

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