If Might Makes Right, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro Stays in Power

Nicolas Maduro being officially proclaimed the winner on Monday June 29th by Elvis Amoroso, president of Maduro’s National Electoral Council.

By Circles Robinson

HAVANA TIMES – The July 28th presidential election in Venezuela once again showcased the true ideology of a dictatorial power: Might Makes Right.

After placing an endless stream of obstacles in the way of their main challenger at the polls, the arrogant Nicolas Maduro and his chief lieutenants – Jorge Rodriguez, president of the National Assembly, and strongman Diosdado Cabello, who heads the Socialist Party – were left with their pants down.

Maduro and company convinced themselves that the majority of Venezuelans loved them and supported their efforts to follow up on the “revolution” started by the late Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. This, despite widespread allegations of corruption, and an economic situation so dire that over 7 million people – some 30% of the population – have fled the oil-rich country in the last decade. Whereas Venezuela used to be considered of the wealthiest countries in Latin America, its people are now among the poorest.

On Sunday, Maduro and company had hoped their intimidation tactics would keep a hapless opposition population from going to the polls.  Boy were they wrong!  Just as they were wrong in believing they could stop Maria Corina Machado’s opposition campaign by barring her from running in the last months before the election. Instead of giving up, she named Edmundo Gonzales to be her Party’s representative and went on holding massive rallies.  On election day, a huge turnout took place, with many people arriving at t

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