The Cuban Regime, a Colossus with Feet of Clay


“All the conspiracies, landings and uprisings, ended with the imprisonment or shooting of almost all the insurgents”

Vaclav Havel, leader of the Czech dissident, said that at any time all those who live in the lie “can be stunned by the force of truth” / Wikimedia Commons

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Ariel Hidalgo, Miami, 21 July 2024 — The Cuban regime has proven to be a portentous giant due to several factors: its three armies that have fought on other continents; a very effective intelligence apparatus modeled on the German Stasi; very well equipped and trained repressive forces; and, as if that were not enough, the control of all the spheres of a totalitarian society.

It is not surprising, therefore, that all the violent actions of their opponents have been defeated: all the conspiracies, landings and uprisings ended with the imprisonment or shooting of almost all the insurgents. But like the supposedly unbeatable hero of ancient Greece, Achilles, whose body had a vulnerable point – his heels – that can actually happen to a regime. It’s a giant with feet of clay.

What is the Achilles heel of the regime? Well, the world where all that impenetrable force has risen is sustained on the basis of lies. It is all a lie. It is not true that the triumph of the Revolution meant freedom for the Cuban people, that it was a revolution for the good of the people. It’s not true that they put and end to the latifundios* and that the lands were divided among the dispossessed peasant, that property titles were given only to those who already owned them as pre-owners and tenants. The latifundios continued to exist, only they ceased to be private and became state-owned, which gave rise to the largest of all landowners in national history: the State.

It survives on the basis of the lie. It is all a lie.

It is not true that all the large and medium-sized companies of the bourgeoisie were expropriated to turn the workers into “owners of the means of production”; rather all were given to bureaucrats appointed by the government leadership, not for their ability but for their political reliability, then turned into a new corrupt social class and without any productive interest that, due to its magnitude, could not be controlled by the leadership.

It is not true that the confiscation of all the small properties was carried out against the “small bourgeoisie”; it happened to independent workers, among whom were greengrocers, street vendors and even shoe shiners. It is not true that the physical integrity of those who suffered prison was respected. It is not true that the workers and the people placed their trust in the State and the sin

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