The Cuban Parliament Approves Migration, Citizenship and Immigration Laws


It is confirmed that residents abroad will be able to keep their properties on the Island

The Citizenship Law was presented by First Colonel Mario Méndez, of the Ministry of the Interior

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, July 20, 2024 — Controlling the “Cuban migration process” was the euphemism that a senior official of the Ministry of the Interior used to describe the stampede of recent years on the Island, during the debate in Parliament for the approval, this Friday, of new laws on three issues: Migration, Citizenship and Immigration. The new regulations aim to “design procedures” for Cubans who leave the Island and also to control the “increase in the number and diversity of migratory irregularities with the involvement of foreigners.”

The Migration Law provides that Cubans residing abroad can keep their properties on the Island, even if they have spent more than two years away. They will no longer be called “emigrated” — as those who spent more than 24 consecutive months without returning to Cuba have been known — and those who spend “most of their time in the national territory” will be called “actual residents.”

Cubans who reside outside the Island will also be able to apply for the status of “investors and entrepreneurs.” The law will allow foreigners to access permanent residence if they have “an important patrimony abroad” that “allows them to start a business or make investments.”

“Enlisting in any type of armed organization with the aim of violating the territorial integrity of the State” will bring with it the loss of nationality

For its part, the Citizenship Law, presented by First Colonel Mario Méndez, states that “enlisting in any type of armed organization with the aim of violating the territorial integrity of the Cuban State” will bring with it the loss of nationality. In addition, the document provides for the possibility of a Cuban having multiple citizenship — which was already recognized by the Constitution of 2019 — provided that, on Cuban soil, they do not make use of their foreign citizenship. Méndez said that Cuban citizenship c

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