Exiles and Legislators in the United States Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Three Years After 11J


The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance echoed the letter entitled “Nosotros Somos Plantados,” written by three prisoners

The image of political prisoner Juan Enrique Pérez holding a poster that says “We were so hungry that we ate our fear” was one of the most iconic of the 11J protests.

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), Washington, 12 July 2024 — Members of Congress and Cuban exile organizations in the United States asked this Thursday, on the third anniversary of the historic anti-government demonstrations of 11J in Cuba, for the release of all political prisoners on the Island. Republican members of Congress Carlos Giménez and María Elvira Salazar, and their Democratic colleagues Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Bob Menéndez, demanded the release of the more than 1,000 political prisoners arrested “for demanding freedom from the murderous regime.”

“The 11J movement is a series of peaceful protests throughout the Island of Cuba, which capture the attention of the world, against the brutal and murderous regime of Castro and the Communist Party of Cuba. The regime has responded with extreme brutality,” said Giménez, born in Cuba.

“The 11J movement is a series of peaceful protests throughout the Island of Cuba, which capture the world’s attention, against the brutal and murderous Castro regime”

In turn, the Democratic Party of Florida stated that three years ago the Cuban people took to the streets in “the largest demonstration in decades” to demand freedom.

“Since 11 July 2021, the Cuban regime has kept hundreds of peaceful protesters in prison and has continued its efforts to silence Cubans, intimidate protesters and arrest political prisoners,” said Florida Democratic Party president Nikki Fried.

Fried called for the release of prominent leaders of the Cuban opposition, such as José Dani

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