HAVANA TIMES – I know a person very close to me who wants to start working again. She had retired, but as is the case for most, her money doesn’t last until the end of the month. So, she has decided to try and get hired again. Not an easy task either, because many of these salaries, when compared to the price of food, are laughable. Moreover, it requires shouldering a level of responsibility again.
She is an accountant, with more than thirty years of service in the footwear company in Holguín. She has already heard some job offers, mainly from private businesses, which are possibly the best-paying companies in Cuba at the moment.
“That’s great!” I said when she told me. “But I’m not going to accept,” she replied. “Oh, really?” I reacted. “Why not? They say they are the best.” “Because I’ve heard from various sources that they keep two sets of accounting books simultaneously. Can you imagine? The real one for their internal work, and the other one they show the State when audits come,” she