Inspectors Resuscitate 3,200 Cows in Cuba’s Matanzas Province


The Cuban government continues its campaign to control livestock throughout the country

Livestock control has not been well received by many farmers / Cubadebate

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, July 5, 2024 — After beginning the livestock control exercise last March, the Matanzas authorities have reached a conclusion: the drop in the number of animals and the quantities of milk only occurred in state records. With 50% of the farmers and landowners inspected, the province has seen a recovery of 24.8% in the birth rate – 3,200 animals – and the option of demanding another 53,760 liters of milk from the farmers.

These indicators “express a response to control,” the official State newspaper Granma writes in an article published on Thursday. According to Roger Jiménez Ramos, deputy delegate for livestock in the province, 1,403 cases of missing animals, 12 undeclared births, 33 animals without a brand and 100 cases of illegal buying and selling have been detected so far.

For Jiménez, this is a reflection of the “lack of control” in the territory – which, according to the official press, extends to other provinces such as Las Tunas, Camagüey and Artemisa, where the authorities have even recorded cases of deceased people who are listed as owners of animals. So far, fines totaling 6,717,800 pesos have been applied, 33 animals have been confiscated and 39 have been forcibly purchased.

So far, fines totaling 6,717,800 pesos have been imposed, 33 animals have been confiscated and 39 have been forcibly purchased

“Of course, not everything is easy to explain. For example, there are producers who are missing two animals, but who at the time went to the Police to report these losses and, for various reasons, do not have the receipt in their possession to justify this situation. There are others who live very far from the Livestock Registry, and it is are more difficult for them to register or mark the animals,” admits the official, who foresees that the state control commissions must be prepared to offer better contract conditions to the ranche

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