With Damaged Boats, Little Fuel and Blackouts in Cuba, Las Tunas Runs Out of Fish


The province’s fishing company was only able to catch half of the fish it had planned for the semester

Many of the company’s boats are out of service / Periódico 26

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 20 June 2024 — The Fishing Company of Las Tunas, Pescatun, is back in the news this Thursday for its disastrous production. In addition to the deficient capture, with a debt of 501 tons of fish so far in 2024, it has problems with fuel and the constant blackouts, which have forced its municipal branches to salt the fish to be able to preserve it or cook it with wood. Almost six months have gone by, but the directors of the state company already estimate that production will fall to critical levels compared to other periods.

The plan for 2024 was 2,025 tons, more or less what fishmongers need to have all year round, but of the approximately 1,000 tons that they should have for this semester, only half has been achieved. Of this amount, barely 50 tons have arrived at the shops as finished products (such as croquettes, picadillo or hamburgers).

The company does not believe that it can achieve the figure corresponding to the second semester, much less go back to balance the numbers. The cause: “the deterioration of the 22 vessels dedicated to platform fishing, of which only 11 work, and the lack of fuel, power cuts and the absence of a correct strategy in the production process,” the entity’s director, Denia Castillo, told Periódico 26.

The company does not believe that it can achieve the figure corresponding to the second semester, much less go back to balance the numbers

The direector delved into the most serious problems facing Pescatun, which currently receives only 50% of the fuel it needs for the boats. This is delivered in the second half of the month, so fishermen often lose the best catch cycles – fish ru

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