Cuba’s Official Press Requests a Hard Hand With the Ranchers of Camagüey Who Aren’t Delivering Milk


Almost 1,800 producers in the province have not supplied a single liter of milk so far this year

The province at the moment can only guarantee milk to children under the age of seven / Adelante

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, June 7, 2024 — Of the 8,023 farmers who signed a contract with the State this year in Camagüey, more than half – about 4,198 – have failed to comply with the daily delivery of milk to the province, and, of them, 1,792 “do not deliver a single liter.”

The situation, which aggravates the already declining production of the livestock territory par excellence on the Island, was denounced this Thursday by the official press.

“The province continues to bet on increasing the delivery of milk to the industry, although at the end of May it has not achieved the definitive takeoff that was expected,” the local newspaper Adelante reports, launching an attack that does not forgive the “apathetic” farmers or the authorities, for letting the farmers get away with it and not demanding “an increase in delivery.” At the top of the list is the municipality of Guáimaro.

“The negative trend goes up. From January to May, the volumes collected in 2024 were 11,158,000 liters compared to 13,320,000 last year on the same date,” says the media. The reason for the fall by more than two million liters, it adds, is that the authorities aren’t hard enough on the farmers, “even though they know the people in each territory of the province who show apathy or disinterest for their respective contributions to the national economy.”

The newspaper even states that “the prices paid to the producers cannot be the reason,” despite the fact that on numerous occasions the farmers themselves have pointed out that the low amounts paid by Ac

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