Nicaraguan Police Transfer Humberto Ortega to a Hospital

Humberto Ortega, retired Army general and brother of Daniel Ortega. 

Sources from the Military Hospital reveal that he was admitted with symptoms of a heart attack suffered at his home under house arrest.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – On the evening of Tuesday, June 11th, a contingent of police officers transferred the retired general, Humberto Ortega, to the Military Hospital in Managua to face a medical emergency, sources linked to this institution revealed.

Sources from the Military Hospital indicated that Ortega Saavedra, 77, was admitted with symptoms of having suffered a heart attack at his home, where he has been under house arrest for more than three weeks. 

On June 9, sources linked to Ortega Saavedra’s family demanded that he be given specialized care by his doctor from the private hospital Vivian Pellas, where he underwent surgery several months ago. However, under the house arrest regime, he only had his blood pressure taken by Ministry of Health doctors.   

In addition to coronary insufficiency, Ortega suffers from other ailments, including leg ulcers caused by circulatory problems, which require specialized care. 

Sources from the Military Hospital revealed that Ortega was admitted alone to the hospital, without the company of his partner Angelica, who has been helping him at home and is also under house arrest.

Warned About His Heart Problems

The coercive measure of house arrest against the former head of the Nicaraguan Army was imposed following the publication of an interview with the Argentine media Infobae, in which he stated that his older brother, Daniel Ortega, has no successors. 

Since the night of Sunday, May 19, 2024, the police have established a perimeter around the retired general’s home, and also confiscated his computers and cell phones. 

“They also suspended the freedom of his partner, who accompanies him in his home,” a reliable source  told CONFIDENCIAL. 

In the interview with Infobae, Humberto Ortega indicated that he was receiving medical treatment at the private hospital Vivian Pellas. 

“I have had severe cardiovascular events, in the context of the tense and polarized political and social conflict, and COVID, from 2018. I was urgently admitted to the Vivian Pellas Hospital i

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