Instead of Investments, the Cuban Government Offers Words for the Development of Science


The percentage of state investments in innovation fell from 1.14% in 2011 to 0.55% in 2023

Some 525 million pesos are included for the National Science and Innovation Fund and 100 million for the National Environment Fund / Cubadebate

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, June 10, 2024 — The latest voluntary illusion that the Cuban Government seems to cling to in recent weeks is science, technology and innovation. The minister of the sector, Eduardo Martínez Díaz, a few days ago in a meeting led by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, insisted on this mantra: “The formula to get out of the situation that we have is by using science, introducing its results, applying technologies and innovating in all aspects.”

This Monday, the official press repeats the issue, in an article signed by the same Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment and his deputy minister, Armando Rodríguez Batista, where they explain the “priorities” when implementing the plan. Within an imprecise list of wishes – such as “orienting science and innovation projects more to the solution of specific problems,” “achieving greater interconnectivity between actors” and “enhancing incentives for innovation at different levels” – one objective stands out: “increase investment in research and development activity.”

In addition to including in this the “financing in convertible currencies,” the officials emphasize that at the same time it is necessary to “diversify the sources,” opening the door to private investment, although without saying it specifically.

At no time is it mentioned where and how that money could come from

Outside the text, in a graph, it is asserted that 2,184 million pesos are “planned” for “17 national programs, 10 sectoral programs and 63 territorial programs in the area of technology and innovation.” 525 million pesos are included for the National Science and Innovation Fund and 100 million for the National Environment Fund. At no t

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