Cuba Produces a Third of the Cow’s Milk It Obtained in 1989 and 60 Percent of the Meat


The sector’s executives pilfered the information in a television appearance in which they offered “we have to” as the only response to the problems.

85% of the producers are private. / 14ymedio

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, May 17, 2024 — The situation of livestock farming was nothing short of a joke, hours after learning that the sector’s products were the ones that rose the most in price last month, when this Thursday’s State TV Roundtable announced that the topic to be discussed In the evening program would be why production is not growing and what is being done to change this. If someone sat down to listen to the answer to these questions, the only thing they found was something similar to Aesop’s fable known as “The Milkmaid’s Tale.

When we solve these two problems (food and water) that will be expressed in reproductive health in the livestock and this will give more production,” said Yoandry Beltrán Pérez, vice president of the Livestock Business Group. It was not necessary to think much to get there, the question is how it is going to be resolved and the answer offered by Beltrán and his boss, Alain Rodríguez León, was the usual “we have to.”

“We have to transform the living conditions of the people involved in livestock production,” was the first wish expressed. He was referring to an alleged investment to restore 30 ranchers’ houses this year, although the project covers a total of 155. “We have to promote the planting of cane and protein plants,” he continued, alluding to Fidel Castro “who left us that legacy” thanks to which there are 15 seed farms in different provinces.

“We have to conserve food for dry periods, that is, take advantage of the six rainy months in the country, from May to November

“We have to conserve food for the dry periods, that is, take advantage of the six months that we have rainy weather in the country, from May to November,” he added to the list, which also gained weight with another aspiration, more specific in In this case: “We are trying to change the energy matrix.” This could supply water not only to the dairy farms, but also to provide it in other places where the animals can drink it whenever they want.

The blackouts affect the feeding of livestock, which is why the official expressed a new “we have to,” this time referring to the search for independence of water supply systems. “This cannot be achieved in a day, but it is where we have our sights set.”

While the authorities continue to think about what they and others have to do, the sector has been sinking for more than 30 years. Beltrán himself recognized this

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