Nicaragua Now Has Over 140 Political Prisoners


Four more were abducted in Leon by Ortega’s Police on May 19

Teacher Pedro Alfonso Morales and journalist Orlando Chávez Esquivel.  Photo/Social Media

Teacher Pedro Alfonso Morales, journalist Orlando Chávez Esquivel, and his siblings Obed and Merary Chavez were taken from their homes.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – Writer and teacher Pedro Alfonso Morales, journalist Orlando Chavez Esquivel, and his siblings Obed and Merary Cháaez were kidnapped by the National Police in the department of Leon, in the western part of the country, bringing the number of political prisoners in Nicaragua to over 140.

The illegal detention of the four residents of Leon, carried out on Sunday, May 19, 2024, was denounced by the platform Alertas Libertad de Prensa Nicaragua and local media outlets.

Alertas Libertad wrote “we demand the immediate release of the Chavez Esquivel brothers. Enough of the persecution,” on their social network.

According to Alertas Libertad, the journalist’s siblings were arrested for opposing the kidnapping of their brother. Orlando Chavez is the director of the news program “El Metropolitano,” a politically neutral radio show broadcast on Radio La Cariñosa of Leon.

Local media details that the police came looking for Chavez on Sunday afternoon and did not find him. They returned at night, and the police officers, without a warrant, raided the house.

In the case of Pedro Alfonso Morales, a Language and Literature teacher, he was kidnapped while at his home in the municipality of Telica, Leon.

Posts by journalists and local media indicate that National Police agents took him away with “violence.” The teacher is considered by locals as “a man who has contributed much to the history of the municipality,” said a neighbor.

Morales is a historian, writer, essayist, and poet. He was a professor at

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