Priest Alberto Reyes Rings the Bells of His Cuban Parish in Protest Against the Blackouts


The ringing broke out in the darkness of the small town of Esmeralda, with less than 30,000 inhabitants, in Camagüey

In a video sent to this newspaper, the priest’s hand can be seen activating the bell, which hangs from a thin piece of wood from the parish tower / 14ymedio

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 18 May 2024 — The bells of the Esmeralda parish, in Camagüey, tolled this Friday during the blackout. The warning of the Catholic priest Alberto Reyes was fulfilled, who promised to protest with 30 bells against the “agonizing death of our freedom and our rights, the suffocation and sinking of our lives,” represented, according to him, in the constant electrical outages that overwhelm the population.

The ringing broke the darkness of the small town of less than 30,000 inhabitants where the priest, one of the most critical voices of the Catholic Church against the regime, exercises his ministry. In a video that Reyes sent to this newspaper, the priest’s hand can be seen activating the bell, which hangs from a thin piece of wood from the parish tower, while another shot, taken from outside, shows the town plunged into total darkness.

Solemn and spaced, the peals – similar to those played during a funeral pro

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