‘Che’ Guevara’s Daughter Attacks Small/Private Businesses and Accuses Them of ‘Facilitating the Entry of Drugs’ Into Cuba


Aleida Guevara March believes that the solution to inflation that she attributes to the private sector is to regulate prices

Aleida Guevara March currently directs the Che Guevara Studies Center in Havana. / The New Morning

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 13 May 2024 — Aleida Guevara, the eldest of the children of Ernesto Che Guevara and his wife Aleida March, declares war on micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) in an interview with the Italian media Il fatto quotidiano published this Saturday in which she accuses the private sector of favoring drug trafficking. “MSMEs entail security risks, because they can facilitate the entry of drugs or other illicit goods into the country. Controls must be intensified by the CDR (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution),” asks the daughter of the Argentine guerrilla.

Her biggest criticism, however, is not such businesses in particular, however, but the increase in inequalities, which she attributes to them. “Although the initial objective was not wrong, that is, to import raw materials from abroad to produce goods in Cuba and resell them at cheap prices, these activities are creating problems because many times they directly import goods purchased in dollars, which when converted to pesos cost too much for the Cuban people,” she argues.

A pediatrician by profession, Guevara does not hesitate to make some recommendations on how to solve this economic problem that, in her opinion, the private sector has created, although the recipe is not new: “Regulating prices, above all,” she believes. “Teachers, doctors… need higher salaries, but the first thing is to regulate prices,” she resolves. Furthermore, she calls on the Government to act immediately.

A pediatrician by profession, Guevara does not hesitate to make some recommendations on how to solve this economic problem that, in her opinion, the private sector has created

Guevara, 63, “continues to practice medicine without abandoning my role as Cuba’s de facto ambassador to the world,” the newspaper quotes. Not in vain, in the interview she announces that in February she participated in the World Social Forum in Nepal representing the Island and that at the end of this May she will be in South Korea. “It is the first time they have invited a communist to speak,” she says, smiling, although she does not reveal the event to which she is invited.


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