Ortega May Have a New Plan for an Interoceanic Canal


He remains “willing to hand over Nicaraguan territory” to foreign interests

Rural Nicaraguans began mobilizing against the canal project in 2013.

After the repeal of the interoceanic canal concession, analysts argue that “there is a clear will to continue negotiating this project”

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – Following the revocation of the concession for the failed interoceanic canal in Nicaragua, a “scheme to swindle and steal” is on the horizon, with a high probability that “the Chinese government will be involved,” according to Nicaraguan political scientist and activist, Felix Maradiaga, and environmentalist and president of the Fundación del Río, Amaru Ruiz.

On May 8, Ortega ordered the reform of Law 800 regarding the “Legal Framework of the Grand Interoceanic Canal of Nicaragua and the Creation of the Authority of the Grand Interoceanic Canal of Nicaragua,” and the repeal of Law 840, resulting in the cancellation of the concession held by Chinese businessman Wang Jing.

According to Maradiaga, the Daniel Ortega-Rosario Murillo regime will keep up the “fantasy” in their public discourse because the megaprojects are part of the government’s populist narrative. He adds that the reformed project is not viable “with a State that has no international credibility.”

Ruiz urged Nicaraguans and the international community to be “alert” to the regime’s movements, given that the project “began with blood on its hands,” according to Maradiaga.

Maradiaga and Ruiz spoke with journalist Cindy Regidor for the program Esta Semana, which is broadcast every Sunday on Confidencial’s YouTube channel.

Felix, how do you assess the cancellation of the canal concession to Wang Jing? Is this a defeat or failure of the regime, or is it just a move to award it to the next bidder?

It’s a continuation of the plot. Years ago we had denounced that Wang Jing was an internationally known swindler. It seemed very strange that the government of Nicaragua would enter into an agreement of that magnitude without China officially backing the agreement. Far from seeing a defeat for the regime, I see a continuation of the swindle.

It’s important to point out the courage of organizations such as the Movimiento Campesino [Peasant Movement] and environmental groups who denounced that this was a land theft scheme from the very beginning.

Amaru, thousands of Nicaraguans started protesting in 2013 against this now-repealed law, but also against Law 800, which created the canal’s legal framework and which is still in force. How are they responding to the news of the changes?

There’s skepticism about what is behind the modific

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