Cuba Condemns US for the Acquittal of the Cuban Man Who Attacked Its Embassy in Washington


 A US judge acquitted Alexander Lazo Baró due to ” dementia “

Alexander Alazo Baró has resided in the United States since 2010 / Diario Las Américas

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 10 May 2024 — A month after a U.S. judge acquitted Alexander Alazo Baró of the charges attributed to him due to “insanity” after shooting in 2020 at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, the Cuban Foreign Ministry has issued a formal protest. According to a statement published on Thursday, the United States “has been unable to qualify the action for what it is: a terrorist act,” and alleges that the court’s decision “conveys a dangerous message of impunity for those who intend to take violent actions against diplomatic missions.”

Alazo Baró, of Cuban origin and a resident of the United States since 2010, fired 32 projectiles with an AK-47 rifle at the diplomatic headquarters on April 30, 2020.

Since then, the man has faced a judicial process that has lasted four years and in which he was charged with four counts – gunshot in a violent act, violent attack on an official with a deadly weapon, damage to property of a foreign government in the United States and possession of weapons – but this May he was acquitted by a judge of the Court for the District of Columbia.

The man has faced a judicial process that has lasted four years and in which he was charged with four counts

To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the response of the US Justice is unacceptable. Alazo himself confessed that he was going with the intention of taking down whatever was in his way, even human beings if they had been in the line of fire. “It was a terrorist act in the capital city of the United States against a permanent diplomatic mission, “the statement said, recalling that this also “caused extensive material damage to the exterior and interior of the building and endangered the lives of several people who were inside the building. ”

“At the time of his arrest, Alazo’s regular association with the Doral Jesus Worship Center in Miami Dad

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