A Flood of Livestock ‘Incidents’ Alarms Artemisa’s Inspectors

The control of state lands and livestock began on March 1 throughout the Island / El Artemiseño

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 29 March 2024 — “Animals without a brand or ear tag, with an unreported change of category, off the farm without authorization and without documents” have been just some of the 9,300 violations found by the Cuban authorities during the investigation carried out this month on the lands and livestock in Artemisa province.

In February, the State banned the purchase and sale of animals to carry out an inventory of livestock and idle lands. According to the official press, farmers have attended livestock control registries en masse to register animals that died or that were raised illegally. However, the number of violations is still remarkable.

In Artemisa alone, during the inventory, about 2,600 liters of milk per day were redirected to the informal market, thereby “deflecting” them from the State channels, according to El Artemiseño.

The farmers have been redirecting some 2,600 liters of milk per day to the informal market, “deflecting” them from the official channels

Of the total incidents, only 2,777 – 29% – have been solved with “warnings,” “fines” and “even confiscation” of the cattle. The municipalities identified by the authorities as the worst are Bahía Honda (with 38% of the cases), Güira de Melena (37.5%) and San Cristóbal (25%).

As for the lands, the newspaper reported “more than 500 violations associated with poor use, problems with the production agreement, abandonment of the land without inheritance procedures and illegal occupation.”

The control of state lands and espec

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