At Least Five People Have Been Arrested in the Latest Protests in Cuba

One of the images shared on social networks of  the protest in Santiago on the night of March 18 (Yosmany Mayeta Labrada/Facebook)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, March 19, 2024 — There have now been at least eleven people arrested during this weekend’s protests in several places in Cuba. According to the legal organization Cubalex, in El Cobre (Santiago de Cuba) Oriesel García, Karel Artiles and another man whose identity is not known were arrested on Sunday. In Bayamo, Justicia 11J counted ten arrested, among whom two, Leandro Tamayo and Raúl González, have been released.

According to the organization, which does not know the identity of the others arrested and asks for help for this, Tamayo was released on Monday night after paying a fine of 3,000 pesos for “public disorders” and with an order to leave the province to return to his place of residence. “We have no more information about the conditions of Raúl González’s release,” adds Justicia 11J.

Some activists and social media profiles have also reported the arrest in Santa Marta (Matanzas) of a couple who participated in the protests on an electric motorcycle, but this has not been confirmed, and the identities of the detainees are not known.

Independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reports that Oriesel García, 41, from Santiago, a member of the Masonic lodge, was violently arrested while demonstrating peacefully, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Justice 11J also reported the arrest of former political prisoner Ramón Jesús Velázquez Toranzo, who returned to Cuba from abroad, where he lives, and was arrested on March 8 after calling for a peaceful march in El Cobre.

His daughter Rufina Velázquez, who lives in the United States, said that her father was taken to the Carlos J. Finlay Military Hospital on Monday and that they still do not know “what charges have been invented against him or what legal process exists.”

“My brother was able to see my father, who is very weak, in a complicated health condition. He is still on hunger strike,” she added, encouraging Cubans to continue protesting. “We are uniting in a just cause, which is love for Cuba,” she said.

#SOSCuba #Protestas en Santiago de Cuba durante la última noche y madrugada donde se escucharon gritos como “patria y vida”, “Díaz-Canel singao” y “comida y corriente” | Video resumen Yosmany Mayeta/Facebook pic.twitter.com/Cac4o9TmdG

— 14ymedio (@14ymedio) March 19, 2024

Despite the repression, the demonstrations continued on Monday night. With the shouts of “Turn on the power,” “Patria y vida” and “Díaz-Canel singao (motherfucker),” several neighborhoods of Santiago de Cuba, such as Micro 9 in the José Martí district, joined the march of conga and cacerolazos [banging on pots and pans],* after the residents of El Cobre did the same.

According to Mayeta on Facebook, the residents had been without electricity since 1:00 a.m. on Monday afternoon and began to demonstrat

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