Alejandro Gil’s Sister Confirms That the Former Cuban Minister and His Wife Are in Detention

Alejandro Gil and his wife Gina María González

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 14 March 2024 — “My brother has been detained along with his wife. They have no cell phones; there is no way to communicate with them.” The former television presenter María Victoria Gil thus summarized the situation of her sister-in-law, Gina María González, and her brother Alejandro Gil Fernández, former Minister of Economy of Cuba, dismissed at the end of February and investigated for alleged errors committed in the exercise of his office.

Victoria Gil, who recently traveled to Havana, sent an audio to the YouTube channel El mundo de Darwin (Darwin’s World, emitted from Canada), after returning to Tenerife, Spain. Vicky, as she is known on the Island, said that she always travels to Cuba in March, every two years, so as not to lose her property, and that she bought the ticket well in advance to make it cheaper. This would explain the coincidence that she arrived in the country shortly after the official announcement of her brother’s fall from grace.

“My niece (Laura María Gil González) is at home but under house arrest, also without a cell phone. I contacted my nephew, my brother’s son,” and the young man also did not have information about the whereabouts of his father Alejandro Gil and his mother Gina María González: “I don’t know anything about them; I don’t know anything about my aunt. I’m very worried, but what can I do?”

“My niece is at home but under house arrest, also without a mobile phone. I communicated with my nephew, my brother’s son”

Despite sending the audio to Darwin’s World, Vicky said on Thursday on her Facebook profile that she had not given “any statement to digital media,” nor did her son, Daniel Alejandro Trujillo Gil.

“Someone has stolen my identity on TikTok and given statements to the prominent journalist Mario Pentón (Martí Noticias) from my account, posing as my son,” she clarified after indicating that she received “a screenshot of the message” that, allegedly, her son sent to Pentón.

She acknowledges that the message contained “no lies or insults, not at all; it is information in the public domain, but I reiterate that it was not provided by my son. I don’t know the intention of the person who did it, but  it doesn’t contain any falsehood,” she insisted.

These statements come to light after Pentón published last Tuesday in Martí Noticias that G

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