The Failure of Electronic Transactions in Cuba: Only 5 Percent of State Ration Stores Make Them

Readers were also asked about their preferred payment method, with Transfermóvil in the lead. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 19 February 2024 — “In our country, every new resolution is condemned to being violated before it is implemented, usually due to the ineffectiveness of those responsible for enforcing it.” This is one of the more than 100 comments made by readers who responded to the Cubadebate survey about the implementation of the regulations that oblige letting customers pay through any electronic means.

February 1 of this year was the day when all businesses had to have electronic payment available, under penalty of the suspension of their license, but in reality none of this has happened, and the authorities, the users insist, do nothing to solve it.

“I made a complaint more than a month ago about the non-compliance with the rule in the Coppelia [ice cream parlor], on the Presidency’s site,” a reader protests. “What protection do consumers really have when not even the Government is serious about citizens’ complaints? More than a month! And no one has bothered to give me an answer.”

The comments give life to what the note relates, written after verifying, with the votes of the survey, that private companies rarely comply with the provisions, although the situation in the State companies is not much better

The comments give life to what the comment relates, written after verifying, with the votes of the survey, that private companies rarely comply with the provisions, although the situation in the State companies is not much better. According to the results of the online survey – in which 2,839 people participated – in both sectors there are difficulties in paying electronically (67%), although 23% believe that there is more in the private companies, and 10% that it is worse in the State shops.

Some 80% of voters said that the regulations, approved last August as part of the banking process that sought to reduce the amount of cash movements due to the s

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