Total Silence From North Korea in the Face of the Resumption of Relations Between Cuba and Seoul

Neither the North Korean Foreign Ministry, which had just received the credentials of a new Cuban ambassador in Pyongyang, nor the Government have yet broken the silence about its rival’s approach to the Island. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, February 16, 2024 — The presidential office of South Korea described on Thursday the restoration of its diplomatic relations with Cuba as “a significant political and psychological coup” that will “inevitably” affect communist North Korea, according to the AP agency. Under lock and key this Friday, with several posters of “esteemed comrade” Kim Jong-un on its fence, the North Korean Embassy in Havana seems to agree.

This same Friday, on the occasion of the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Kim Jong-il, President Miguel Díaz-Canel sent, via X, an “affectionate greeting to the Party, Government and noble people of the DPRK.” And he added: “We reaffirm our historic relationship of friendship, solidarity and brotherhood.”

Meanwhile, neither the North Korean Foreign Ministry, which had just received the credentials of a new Cuban ambassador in Pyongyang, nor its Government have yet broken the silence about the rapprochement of its rival to one of its few allies since the time of the Cold War. The Associated Press agency (AP) says that a “high-level official of the South Korean presidency” explained to the press that the rapprochement will affect the traditional “brotherly ties” of Pyongyang with the Island.

The opening of diplomatic ties (with Cuba) is the culmination of our efforts to expand our diplomacy to nations that have been part of the socialist bloc

The official – who spoke on condition of anonymity – reported that President Yoon Suk Yeol “has worked actively to establish relations with Cuba, but Cuba had reservations at first due to its ties with North Korea.” The United States, he explained, was informed by Seoul “in advance” of the approach.

“The opening of diplomatic ties (with Cuba) is the culmination of our efforts to expand our diplomacy to nations that have been part of the socialist bloc, including countries that have been friendly with North Korea. It clearly shows where the mainstream is in the flow of history, and also who participates in that mainstream,” the official added.

On Wednesday, Seoul restored its diplomatic relations with Havana, broken since Fidel Ca

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