The Cuban Prosecutor’s Office Asks for Prison Sentences of 4 to 9 Years for the Demonstrators of Caimanera

The six accused of the demonstrations in Caimanera in May 2023. (Facebook)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, January 29, 2024 — Almost nine months after the anti-government protests in Caimanera, repressed by the black berets and during which there were deliberate cuts to the internet service, the Guantánamo Prosecutor’s Office has made public its ruling with the sanctions it requests for six of the detainees, of between four and nine years in prison.

On Saturday, the activist Marcel Valdés released the document, provided by the parents of some detainees, which includes the request for nine years in prison for the crimes of “public disorder” and “instigation to commit crimes” for Daniel Álvarez González, who has the highest penalty.

He is followed by Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, Rodolfo Álvarez González and Freddy Sarquiz González, whom the Prosecutor’s Office accuses of several crimes of public disorder, and asks for six years of deprivation of liberty.

He is followed by Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, Rodolfo Álvarez González and Freddy Sarquiz González, whom the Prosecutor’s Office accuses of several crimes of public disorder for which they ask for six years of deprivation of liberty

The judge has requested the same years, but also for a crime of attack, for Felipe Octavio Correa Martínez, while the request for a penalty for Yandri Pelier Matos, accused of public disorder and resistance, is four years in prison.

The document indicates that on 6 May 2023 Daniel Álvarez González and Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez began to shout slogans such as “Abajo Díaz-Canel“, “Abajo la Revolución“, with signs of having consumed “alcoholic beverages” and in order to “promote chaos.” Their calls incited other neighbors to accompany them, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which affirms that they came to try to impose themselves on law enforcement to avoid arrests.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses several of the protesters of having “unadjusted behavior” and not participating in “activities guided by political and mass o

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