Cuban Government Postpones New Fuel Prices Due to a Hack

The new prices are already listed at the Rancho Boyeros and Ayestarán gas station. (14ymedio)

Some gas stations already display the new prices in Cuban pesos and dollars, which are now on hold.

By 14ymedio

HAVANA TIMES — In national currency and also in USD – a great novelty of the reform announced in January – the new fuel prices appeared this Wednesday on the pumps at the gas station at Rancho Boyeros and Ayestarán, in Havana. However, drivers are alarmed when they see those rates in pesos and dollars – five times more expensive than the previous ones – and the employees explain that the change will take effect tomorrow, Thursday, February 1. However, the official media reported this afternoon that the implementation of the new rates is postponed.

“The government’s projections to correct distortions and re-boost the economy during 2024 will only be implemented if the conditions for this are created,” Mildrey Granadillo de la Torre, first vice minister of Economy and Planning, told national television. “Defending this principle” it is decreed to postpone the implementation of the “price update” of gasoline, said the senior official, who added that “this decision includes the occurrence of a cybersecurity incident in the computer systems for the commercialization of fuels whose origin has been identified in a virus from abroad.”

It was also reiterated by Esther, the person in charge of organizing the queue to buy fuel in Guanabacoa via Telegram: “The update of fuel prices and its marketing in USD is extended. The decision is due to a cybersecurity attack in the marketing system of Cimex.”

The Cuban influencer Manuel Milanés alluded to this on Tuesday in a tweet from Miami: “The Cimex de Gaesa Corporation had its entire management system erased and they had no backup, they are doing a general inventory to be able to have some control.”

Asked by 14ymedio, a driver from the state-owned Copextel says that the new measure does not worry him. Premium gas is at 156 pesos or 1.30 dollars instead of 30 pesos, regular and diesel at 132 pesos or 1.10 dollars, and diesel at 114 pesos or 0.95 dollars (instead of 25 and 20 pesos, respectively), he recites, while filling t

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