22nd Congress of the Cuban Workers’ Federation to be a deep and crucial debate


HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 29 (ACN) The organizational process of the 22nd Congress of the Cuban Workers’ Federation (CTC by its Spanish acronym), which will be held during 2024 and is expected to hold its final sessions in April 2025, is called to be a deep, critical and proactive exercise of reflection and debate.

The call to the conclave emphasizes that each stage of this schedule aims to legitimize the participation of the affiliates in the construction of consensus and strengthen trade union leadership in the mission of representing the rights and guarantees of workers.

Contributing to a greater effectiveness in the mobilization to efficiently promote the development programs, strengthening the contribution of ANIR and ensuring the defense of the Homeland, are other objectives on which the process will be focused.

“At the same time, these days should contribute to consolidate the unity of the labor and trade union movement from a democratic action and practice, from the spaces that we have won by right, such as the assembly of members and workers, the board of directors and the Collective Bargaining”, highlights the statement, which is transmitted in its entirety below:


The Cuban Workers’ Federation, forged in the most genuine traditions of struggle and firmly committed to the ideas of our National Hero Jose Marti, the teachings of the Captain of the Working Class Lazaro Peña Gonzalez and the thinking of our historic leader Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, today faces the great goals and challenges involved in the improvement of our Social Economic Model of Socialist Development.

Substantial transformations are taking place in the labor and tr

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