Hanging Out With Esther, the Boss of the Guanabacoa Gas Stations in Havana

At the Los Paraguas gas station, numerous customers are “doubles,” on the list more than once. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 20 January 2024 — “They are observing,” was the suspicious comment of Esther, who uses Telegram to take charge of organizing the line to buy fuel in the Havana municipality of Guanabacoa, after this newspaper denounced the multiple irregularities of the process. Since then, the “boss” of the gas stations has launched a crusade against the “doubles” – people registered several times on her customer list – and has strengthened her authority claiming, once again, that she is a “public servant.”

The Guanabacoa scandal has not gone unnoticed by the official press. Without daring to fully enter the subject, Cubadebate mentioned in passing this Saturday the “organized mafias” of the gas stations. “If you don’t pay extra, you won’t advance in the line,” it said, so buying fuel has become “a disaster.” The regime does not like the fact “that they have eliminated the application of tickets” and offers readers an email to inform on “everyone who causes trouble.”

Esther limited herself to sharing a screenshot of the posts in the two Telegram groups she manages – corresponding to the gas stations of Corral Falso and Los Paraguas – but, contrary to her custom, she did not say a single word about it. She was more loquacious about the 14ymedio report: “In addition to indiscipline and so on (in the line), there is subversion,” she wrote, at the bottom of a photo.

Esther’s last name, profession or age is not known (although she alleges that her “mission” in Guanabacoa is “pulling out the gray hairs of the 60s”

Esther’s last name, profession or age is not known (although she alleges that her “mission” in Guanabacoa is “pulling out the gray hairs of the 60s”). She manages the registry with an iron hand and says she is in the middle of a scrutiny to purge “the doubles.”

Quite right too. With Esther’s own Excel lists, 14ymedio could see that on the Los Paraguas register, with 3,688 customers, 114 were repeated up to four times and 77 had no license plate. In the case of Corral Falso, there were 2,855 names, 16

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