Cuban Government Announces Delivery of Chicken Destined for Ration Stores

The arrival on Monday of a boat carrying chicken, presumably intended for sale at Cuban stores selling rationed items. (Ministry of Domestic Commerce)

14ymedio bigger 14ymedio, Madrid, 16 January 2024 — Just as the government was triumphantly boasting of the arrival of a ship laden with chicken destined for distribution to consumers through Cuba’s ration system, figures on poultry imports from the United States in November were being released. After two months of steep declines, sales in this sector doubled, from 8,126 tons in October to 16,648 the following month.

Though the wholesale price decreased slightly in November to $1.26 per kilogram, it remains high as economist Pedro Monreal pointed out on his X account, where he posts monthly import figures.

The previous month’s price of $1.30 per kilogram was higher but, since the volume purchased increased considerably, the overall expenditure in November was much greater. While it cost $10.63 million to import chicken from the United States in October, the November figure was more than $21.33 million, more than double. The amount purchased was also very large compared to September’s $14.4 million.

While it cost $10.63 million to import the product from the United States in October, the November figure was more $21.33 million, more than double

“Despite the monthly rebound, chicken imports from the United States, when measured by weight (16,648 tons), were lower in November than the 21,878 ton-average reported for the first ten months of 2023,” writes Monreal. He notes that this is the total figure, not a sales figure, and does not indicate how much of it was sold by the government or private entities.

Complaints about shortages at state-owned stores in December proliferated on social media after the Ministry of

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