Cuban Regime Attributes the Decline of Tourism to the Fact That ‘It Became a Political Weapon’

Tourists on Obispo Street, in Old Havana. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, January 19, 2024 — With the final tourism data in 2023 fresh out of the oven and certifying a failure on the forecasts, the Cuban Government has just announced its projection for 2024, when it estimates that 3.23 million visitors may arrive as international travelers to the Island. The figure shows some containment, after two years of major errors in their calculations

At the beginning of 2022, the authorities aspired to achieve 2.5 million tourists, although in October they lowered the expectation and stayed at 1.7, which they also did not achieve (the year closed with 1.6 million). Despite this, in 2023 an extremely positive improvement was announced: the objective of 3.5 million, which has remained at a meager 2.4.

To reach the proposed mark for 2024, despite being much more modest than that of a year ago, the Island needs to attract almost 800,000 more travelers

To reach the proposed mark for 2024, despite being much more modest than the from a year ago, the Island needs to attract almost 800,000 more travelers in a context that does not invite optimism, although it will have to wait until the end of the first quarter to evaluate the trend.

In the article published in Cubadebate this Friday with the new goal, the figures for the year that has just concluded are analyzed, among which it is worth highlighting the concentration of the origin of travelers. 70% of arrivals come from just five markets: Canadians, Cubans who permanently reside abroad, Americans, Russians and Spaniards.

The article is a response to the independent press and international agencies that have insistentl

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