While the Country Is Sinking, the Cuban Regime Renews the Code of Ethics for Its Cadres

“Men die, the Party is Immortal” – The 2024 Code of Ethics of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) replaces the previous one, in force since 1996. (laicismo.org)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 16 January 2024 — After 18 years, the list of rules of conduct known as the Code of Ethics of the State Cadres already has a new version, which entered into force this Monday after its publication in the Official Gazette. The rule emphasizes aspects such as “the honor and duty to defend the socialist homeland, anti-imperialist conduct, the willingness to have permanent accountability and to submit to public scrutiny; and the duty to promote the mastery of the regulations that govern the development of society.”

The framework under which 118,000 people should be governed, according to Miriam Marbán González, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and one of those responsible for the preparation of the document, is shorter than the previous one, which had 27 “precepts” after the preamble, and it has changed its name to the Code of Ethics of the Cadres of the Cuban Revolution, since it also applies to the managerial positions of mass organizations.

The new Code contains the definitions of 17 words that should govern the behavior of the cadres, starting with patriotism, understood clearly as a defense of the Revolution. Those subject to the regulation have the obligation to love the country, its symbols and to put Cuba ahead of themselves, defending it – in line with the Constitution – with weapons if necessary.

The subjects of the regulation have the obligation to love the country and its symbols and to put Cuba ahead of themselves, defending it – in line with the Constitution – with weapons if necessary

According to the preamble of the Code, the aforementioned guidelines “cultivate the dignity and sensitivity of the people from Marxist, Leninist, Martian [following José Martí] and Fidelist positions, in correspondence with the most noble values in the evolution of the homeland’s history, exposed in a masterful synthesis in the Concept of Revolution expressed by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.”

The text asks for reliance on the so-called historic generation and calls for updating “the country’s development model,” taking into account that it is in the middle not only of the “blockade” but also of the “ideological war” that must be fought with “exemplary beha

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