A Week Without Water in the Cuban Province of Sancti Spiritus Due to a ‘Dangerous Leak’

The authorities assure that they have two water trucks ready to supply hospitals and schools. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, January 10, 2024 — A leak in a water pipe in Sancti Spíritus that broke last Thursday leaves the residents of the municipality of Cabaiguán and the capital city without drinking water. The authorities of the province, who initially declared that the supply would be stabilized in two days, no longer know how to explain the delay in the repair to the neighbors, who have been without service for a week.

“Days ago they said that there was a break in the Macaguabo aqueduct, which feeds the northern part of the city, and that they were going to do work to repair it that would take up to two days,” Noelia, 37, tells 14ymedio.

We were without water for a couple of days and suddenly it arrived, and we all assumed that the pipe had been repaired”

“We were without water for a couple of days and suddenly it arrived, and we all assumed that the pipe had been repaired. However, the water had little force, and many people couldn’t save much, as was my case, and when it turned off again we were left without reserves,” she said.

According to Noelia, as the days go by the situation becomes more desperate, and the small water storage tanks have begun to run out. “In my house things are tight. The tank was only half full when the water came, and now my children are tired of me telling them to save, that there is no water.”

But her situation, she admits, is not the worst: “I know people who are going to the factories to get water, who hav

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