Former Cuban Soldiers Call for ‘Overthrowing the Current Mafia Regime’

The Military Objectors of Conscience ask their former colleagues not to obey their superiors. (EFE/Ernesto Mastrascusa)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, January 8, 2024 — The Military Objectors of Conscience (MOC), founded in 2021 by former Cuban officers in exile, says that the Communist Party does not actually govern in Cuba, but rather a “new oligarchic class” – formed by the Castro Espín and Gaesa family, through the control of national wealth – that only defends their own interests and against whom “rebellion is a current constitutional right.”

In a statement released this Sunday, the group affirms that the Cuban people are suffering “the totalitarian dictatorship of a mafia, a parasitic and irresponsible oligarchy that only defends their own interests.” The MOC believes that the military surrounding the Castro clan controls 70% of the country’s wealth and 95% of the financial transactions, abandoning the population and its basic needs, such as food, health, housing, education and security.

This network, they say, believes that Raúl Castro will die this year and is preparing to liquidate any “potential leader” who stands in the way of their maintaining control of the country

This network, they say, believes that Raúl Castro will die this year and is preparing to liquidate any “potential leader” who stands in the way of their maintaining control of the country. “In 2024 there is the possibility of a new dawn for our homeland or an even darker stage than what we have now,” highlights the statement, which warns that neither the repression after the anti-government protests of 11 July 2021, known as ’11J’, nor the stimulation of emigration will be able to contain a new social explosion.

“The army must protect the population with their weapons, not shoot at it,” the soldiers urg

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