Another Year, Another War

A family flees the northern part of the Gaza Strip, with what they can carry.  Photo: EFE | Haitham Imad

A clear majority rejects the two wars, in Ukraine and Gaza, but the positions of the great powers prevent progress in favor of peace

By Rafael Rojas (Confidencial)

HAVANA TIMES – The violent profile of this 21st century, which began with the demolition of the Twin Towers and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is more clearly outlined in this year that is ending. 2023 ends with two terrible wars, one in Ukraine and the other in Gaza, and with the unstoppable advance of the deterioration of democracy globally and the consolidation of new despotisms.

Two years after the invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin, after hinting at a possible diplomatic understanding, launched the largest air attack on Dnipro, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Odessa, Lviv and other Ukrainian cities. The bombings hit civilian infrastructure in cities located far from the border region, which Moscow supposedly claims.

Kyiv is located in the center of Ukrainian territory and Lviv is very close to the border with Poland. The radius of action of the missiles goes beyond the objective of annexing the Donbas regions, where secessionist republics were established. These actions reaffirm the dual purpose of the February 22, 2022 invasion: to incorporate most of Ukraine into Russia and to weaken the sovereign Ukrainian state as much as possible.

A terrorist attack by Hamas agains

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