Raul Castro Denies the Existence of ‘Generational Contradictions Within the Cuban Revolution’

Raúl Castro, 92, wanted to support his successor this Monday, the 65th anniversary of the Revolution. (Cubadebate)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 2 January 2024 — Former President Raúl Castro reappeared this Monday to lead the celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the Revolution in Santiago de Cuba, in one of his most important public speeches in months. He called for unity within the Communist Party (PCC) and confidence in the new generation of leaders who have succeeded the historical leaders.

The former leader, 92-years-old, closed the annual ceremony commemorating the triumph of the guerrillas who came to power on the Island led by the late Fidel Castro (1926-2016), who was also presented, through technology, at the event. “No thieves, no traitors, no interventionists. This time it is the Revolution,” the deceased Commander was heard saying through a hologram.

His younger brother and successor in office made a speech in which he reiterated the need to close ranks within the ruling party as the “main strategic weapon” of the Revolution and the PCC. “It has allowed this small island to succeed in facing challenges. Let’s treat unity as something to be cherished,” he advised.

Fidel Castro fue omnipresente a través de las pantallas este lunes en el acto de Santiago de Cuba. (Cubadebate)
Fidel Castro was omniprsent through screens this Monday, in an event in Santiago de Cuba (Cubadebate)

Against that unity, “all the subversive plans of the enemy will fail once again,” he added.

“Today I can affirm with satisfaction that the Cuban Revolution, after 65 years of existence, far from weakening has strengthened, as I said a decade ago, on a day like today and in this very place, [and has done so] without commitment to anyone at all, except to the people,” the former president claimed.

“I know that I express the feeling of the historical generation by ratifying confidence in those who today occupy leadership responsibility in our party and Government,” he said, in clear allusion to the

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