If You Want to Travel, Bring 3,000 Cuban Pesos to Bribe the Staff at the Villanueva Bus Terminal

With no money or particular skills, the majority of passengers just have to wait their turn. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, Pedro Espinosa, 29 December 2023 – Every day he comes into the Villanueva bus station in Havana knowing that, if it weren’t for his particular role, very few passengers would be departing from the city. A number of members of staff now don’t want to work with him. “You’re too noticeable” they tell him. But business goes on and is getting better and better. At this year’s end, for 3,000 pesos the “journey fixer” of Villanueva is able to get you a passage to any city on the island.

Desperate to get out of this terminal – a complete microcosm of the misery of the Cuban capital – whoever has the money also knows the tricks and passwords for finding him. The man arrives at Villanueva – a hive of people waiting, sleeping, talking – and looks for the staff member who will supply him with seats for resale that day.

They greet each other as if they don’t know one another and shortly after they enter the toilets. Here is where the first phase of the transaction takes place. The “journey fixer” then locates his client, takes a piece of paper from his pocket with a number on it – the number of his place in the waiting list – and asks him to be patient. After a moderate wait the terminal’s employee will call the client, reeling off his identity card number. This is the signal that the transaction is completed. He has paid 3,000 pesos instead of the 75 that it would normally cost him to get to Santa Clara, but it relieves him of the massive tedium of a long stay in the pigsty that is Villanueva.

 La mugre del suelo, donde hasta los perros callejeros de la terminal se sienten incómodos, es la opción reservada para la mayoría. (14ymedio)
The majority of passengers have to put up with the filthy ground, which even the street dogs find uncomfortable. (14ymedio)

The “journey fixer” is the king of Villanueva. Everybody knows him – that’s his Achil

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