The Stove Top Expresso Maker that is Cuba

Photo: Sadiel Maderos

By Anonymous  (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – Actor Carlos Massola “exploded”. Aside from food shortages, the harsh and real starvation of a nation, he wanted “to get to the heart” of the matter: “It’s the system’s abuse of prisoners of conscience and their families.” “Cuba is screwed and needs help.” “It’s very sad. We have to help so this absolutely awful situation can end once and for all.”

The popular actor of so many Cuban soaps made himself clear in an interview with Cubanet: “I’m telling the truth here to people’s faces. Without fear. (…) I know what’s on the line, but I’m not at all afraid.” He stressed his desire to leave the island: “There’s nothing left for me to do here.” He ended the conversation suddenly with the slogan: “Down with the dictatorship. Down with Communism.”


Photographer Gabriel Guerra Bianchini “exploded”: “What happened on July 11th was a before and after I believe. I would like to be in Cuba, with my workshop (…), and go out to my Malecon in the evening (…) my late afternoon ritual almost every day. The thing is, it’s unjust and inhumane just how bad things have got. There is no bright mind or kind heart that can attempt to justify what is happening here. There just isn’t.”

From his newly opened studio in Madrid, the graphic artist told Diario de Cuba: “There’s a point when everything becomes crystal clear. (…) Who wants to live their life justifying what inspires you and what this artwork says word for word? Who can live amid a war? Someone once told me that we’ve spent so much time living in a boxing match unfortunately, that we even defend ourselves from kisses. That’s not the life I want. I don’t want to carry on living in a place where I defend myself from kisses.”


Volleyball player Regla Torres “exploded”: I’ve seen how women’s volleyball has been dying for a long time from within. Mistakes, bad decisions, whims, pride, mediocrity, incompetence, a lack of dedication, the lack of discipline that ends up in bad results, lies, experts that destroyed Cuba’s Volleyball Academy, I’VE HAD IT FOR A LONG TIME, and you see the heaps of shit flying around, with a broken soul, watching how people who had nothing to do with our history, which is gr

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