The Milei Government Confirms the Presence of Cuban and Venezuelan Agitators in Argentina

The piqueteros use flags with the image of ’Che’ Guevara during their demonstrations. (Capture)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 19 December 2023 — The Argentine Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, confirmed on Monday that the Administration of Javier Milei “is working” to identify and dismantle groups of Cuban and Venezuelan agents who have instructions to sow chaos in Argentina. During an interview on national television, the politician referred to the “protocol” that the State must follow in these “performances” but avoided offering details.

The presenter, Eduardo Feinmann, asked Bullrich on a program of the newspaper La Nación to comment on Milei’s plan against drug trafficking and crime, reported last Sunday by journalist Joaquín Morales Solá. “There are Cuban and Venezuelan agitators in the country, willing to help the local rebels in their vandalism. They plan to reproduce here the 2019 social outbursts in Chile (against the government of Sebastián Piñera),” he said, citing a government source whom he did not identify.

These groups, which in Argentina are known as piqueteros (picketers), called for new demonstrations against Milei for this Wednesday. Argentina has a special vulnerability, says Morales, because former presidents Alberto and Cristina Fernández “cleared out the security supplies” of the country, so the police have “only one water truck to dissolve eventual uprisings.”

They are not marching; they are picketing: they go, they block the street and they don’t let anyone pass,” he said. “Our decision is to put order in the streets

During his interview, Bullrich alluded to these agents as “a noisy minority,” which usually leads 8,000-10,000 protests annually. “They are not marching, they are picketing: they go, they block the street and they don’t let anyone pass,” he said. “Our decision is to put order in the streets (…). We need to work together with the

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