A Cuban’s View of the Assault on Gaza

Photo: Hatem Moussa/AP

One of those who helped most to create that monster called Hamas was Netanyahu himself, who contributed financing in order to create a rival to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

By Ariel Hidalgo (Cubaencuentro)

HAVANA TIMES – After the crimes that Hamas militants perpetrated against the civilian population along Israel’s border with Gaza on October 7, reportedly causing the death of between 1,200 and 1,400 Israelis, I heard an exiled Cuban woman who’s occasionally invited to appear on political TV shows wish that the entire Gaza strip would sink into the sea. I heard the same thing expressed off camera by other people who say they’re Christians. And I recall once hearing something similar from another Cuban, but this time speaking about his own country: “May the whole island sink into the sea.” His words indicated that his hatred of the oppressors in his own country outweighed his love for the people, although I doubt he desired the same thing when he lived in Cuba.

It’s the same as having some Angolan or Latino wish for all the Cubans to die, because of the wrongs that the Castro leadership has inflicted on their peoples. In a similar vein, not too long ago an exiled Venezuelan woman from a prosperous family told me: “We lived very well in Venezuela, until you people arrived.” I answered her: “Ma’am, we didn’t vote for Chavez. It was you. In addition, those Cubans that have caused you so much suffering have made us suffer much more.”

When the Hamas attack occurred, numerous large demonstrations arose in cities all over the world, condemning those horrors. Afterwards, however, we’ve seen many more large demonstrations to condemn Israel’s bombing of the civil population on the Gaza strip.

The deaths of women, children and the elderly have been justified as “collateral damage.” That phrase alone speaks of the level of dehumanization they’ve reached. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General, recently

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