Cuban Regime Publishes its List of ‘Terrorists’ with Activists and Exile Organizations

Cuban presenter Alex Otaola is among the 61 names on the Island regime’s National Terrorist List. (Instagram)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 7 December 2023 —  The politician Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, the journalist Ninoska Pérez, and the presenter Alex Otaola are some of the 61 names on the National Terrorist List published this Thursday by the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. The inventory also includes 19 organizations “that carry out actions against State security,” whose members, they warn, are “wanted by the authorities.”

In the extraordinary Official Gazette, number 83 of this year, Resolution 19 has been published, which begins by referring to the Security Council of the United Nations Organization in its regulations “relative to the prevention and confrontation of terrorism and its financing.” Under this section, Havana justifies the list of names that it accuses of “stimulating, financing and executing acts of sabotage” or “promoting, organizing and executing the carrying out of activities against the functioning of public institutions.”

Among those mentioned in the Resolution, activists such as Eliécer Ávila Cicilia, influencers in the style of Liudmila Santiesteban Cruz (Liu Santiesteban), Alain Lambert Sánchez (Paparazzi cubano) and Manuel Milanés Pizonero stand out. All of them were born on the Island and in recent years have become loudspeakers of complaints about the lack of rights on the Island and have frequently reported acts of corruption by government officials.

Among those mentioned in The Resolution highlights activists such as Eliécer Ávila Cicilia, ’influencers’ in the style of Liu Santiesteban, Paparazzi Cubano or Manuel Milanés Pizonero

Against them, the Gazette does not spare insults and accuses them of “destabilizing the social order in Cuba” and mixes, in the same document, causes that range from the attempted derailment of a train to the more indefinite “carrying out actions that affect the social order in Cuba.” The article also calls on the United Sta

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