Cuban Official Press Annoyed by the Forecasts of Another Disastrous Sugar Harvest

The Ciro Redondo plant in 2020, with Chinese operators and bilingual panels. (Granma)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 27 November 2023 — Everything seems to indicate that we will have to dust off the headlines warning of the worst sugar harvest in the history of Cuba. The official State newspaper Granma warned this Sunday that the campaign will take place in a “very tense scenario” and closes the door to optimism, regretting that, despite the more than 100 million pesos invested in its modernization, the Ciro Redondo power plant in Ciego de Avila will once again fail to meet forecasts.

The center and the bioelectric plant were to start and synchronize on December 22, although it was planned to start grinding on December 10 to gain an advantage. To do this, several construction works had to be completed, including a retaining wall for the bagasse yard and the assembly of the bearings. If this is not finished in the few remaining days of the month – and everything seems to indicate that it will be – the forecast will go to waste, warned Vidal Martín Sarduy, administrator of the mill.

Two national companies are identified as responsible for this matter, Cubana de Bronce, which has not delivered two pieces, and the Industrial Technical Services Company Fábrica Comandante Manuel Fajardo Rivero    

Two national companies are identified as responsible for this matter, Cubana de Bronce, which has not delivered two pieces, and the Industrial Technical Services Company Fábrica Comandante Manuel Fajardo Rivero, in Manzanillo (Granma province), from where several repaired pumps were to arrive on time but don’t seem to have done so.

The harvest should last 86 days in which Ciro Redondo has the goal of producing some 34,000 tons of sugar “if no other inconveniences occur in the process,” says the official organ of the Communist Party, accustomed as the country is, to all kinds of incidents.

Granma regrets that the plant, the most modern in the country after having received a large investment, has become “repeatedly non-compliant.” The mill had been achieving its forecasts for eight years until, in the last four, things have completely changed. This is influenced, the newspaper points out, by the f

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