Cuban Court Finds Professor Alina Barbara Lopez Guilty of ‘Disobedience’

Police surveillance at Boris González Arenas’ house, this Tuesday. (Facebook/Juliette Isabel Fernández Estrada)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 28 November 2023 — The Cuban intellectual and historian Professor Alina Bárbara López Hernandez has been found guilty of “disobedience” in the trial to which she was subjected this Tuesday in Matanzas. She herself reported it in a Facebook postin which she also denounces the number of arrests and abuses that State Security has carried out in recent hours. # In addition to the details of the arrest of the writer Jorge Fernández Era, just when he was going with her to the Municipal Court, the professor says that there are two people whose whereabouts are unknown: Mario Ginés González and Ilonka Amuchastegui.

Both, says the historian, whose source is the father of her daughters, managed to get to the court, but when they tried to enter — “since it was said that it was a public hearing” — they were taken to the police station.

The journalist Boris González Arenas, the historian Alexander Hall, the researcher Dmitri Prieto and the activist Raymar Aguado, for their part, are under police surveillance stationed in front of their homes.

The teacher reports that there are two people whose whereabouts are unknown: Mario Ginés González and Ilonka Amuchastegui

Aguado himself had explained in a Facebook post that he was ordered to appear this Monday at the Central Havana Police station, at the corner of Zanja and Dragones, “for the purpose of being interviewed for committing a possible crime,” according to the summons. In his post, he took the opportunity to send his “support” to Alina Bárbara López Hernández.

“Another mockery of the Rule of Law and the 2019 Constitution,” lamented Alexander Hall when he saw his home under siege at dawn. Prieto, for his part, claims that the agents threatened him on Monday with charging him with a “crime of disobedience” if he left his house, in Santa Cruz del Norte, Mayabeque.

As for González Arenas, says his wife, Juliette Isabel Fernández Estrada, he has been suffering police harassment all this week, “to prevent him from free movement outside the home.” And before this Monday, Saturday, seven years after the death of Fidel Castro.

Likewise, journalist Neife Rigau has had her mobile data taken away, as reported by Henry Constantín, also due to the trial of the Matanzas historian. “Regime with fear, a lot of fear,” pointed out Constantín, the director of La Hora de Cuba.

Due to this raid, hours before his trial, this Monday, López Hernández expressed a particular “I accuse” against the State Security organs “as those most responsible for the abuses and illegalities that are committed daily in my country against a defenseless citizen who is prevented from exercising her rights.”

The “true cause of so much repression and precautions is fear,” she asserts in her text, where she “reassures” the authorities: “I have never called on anyone to demonstrate or create disorders

The “true cause of so much repression and precautions is fear,” she asserts in her text, where she “reassures” the authorities w

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